Thursday, July 17, 2008

Search Engine Optimizing Tips

(SEO) Tip 2

Finding out what spiders see on your web pages is important, run a spider simulator on all of your pages. The simulator exposes what is visible to the spiders in text and in links. There are plenty on the market at various different prices, but if your looking for a free one you can see google (Search Engine Spider Simulator).

(SEO) Tip 3

Every website should have a file named robots.txt. In this file there are instructions the spiders will follow as to what directories they should not spider (disallow). Assure to have this file present so it may permit the permission for spiders to view the content on your site. This includes access to content and to CSS. You can also detain it from reading certain pages on your site.

Page Structure

After building a search engine friendly web site, assure each page is also search engine friendly. As I said earlier, great structure is the foundation for building an (SEO) web site. Primary areas of a Web page contain the right content between the (head)(/head) tags and that which is contained between the (body)(/body) tags. The content you place in these 2 areas have a huge impact on how web pages are indexed and, to a what degree, what appears in the search engine result pages.

Designing your web page, or placing content on your web pages, NOTE: (spiders read like people). Starting from left to right and from top to bottom, but this can be different in other languages. Spiders are programmed to believe that the most important content is placed at the top of the page. Important information usually is placed at the beginning so who would anyone think of placing it at the bottom? When reading specific tags (title, h1, h2, etc.) search engines value content to the left more so than words on the right.

(SEO) Title Tag

How about beginning at the first element on any web page (title tag) ((title)(/title)). This is primarily the most important element for (Search Engine Optimization) on the entire page. The majority of the time, the content in this tag could be left blank, have a default value (e.g. “insert title here”), or it can be the companies name.

Why is this tag so important? This is the main tag used by every major search engine as an indicator of the page’s information to determine value, and, second, it's also used by the search engines as the first line in the SERPs.

Assure to place major value in this tag.

(SEO) Tip 4

Carefully pin point the attributes of the content and use your keyword (s) as the title on the page. A web site about natural waxed candles made by XYZ Company shouldn’t have the title “XYZ Company”, it should contain a title something like “natural waxed candles.” If the company name is important for branding purposes, then place it to the end of the line like this: “natural waxed candles XYZ Company.”

(SEO) Meta Tags

Changes have occurred throughout the years concerning meta tags, search engines have switched various methods of meta tags. One that has lost value is the “keywords” meta tag. A good portion of search engines don’t consider these anymore, but if you have time to create one, go ahead and do so. It doesn’t hurt.

The major meta tag that all search engines presently recognize is the (description) meta tag. Again, this tag should be exclusive on all pages and be relative information on each web page.

The proper format for the description meta tag is, for example:

(meta name="description" content=Natural Waxed Candles by XYZ Company.”).

(SEO) Tip 5

Place an exclusive description for each web page. Don not use duplicate meta tags across all pages, search engines will notice this and possibly ignore the information of the meta tag or possibly the entire page.

(SEO) and JavaScript

We all know that stuffing the top of the HTML web pages with tons of JavaScript functionalities that can be necessary for various page features is also risky. This can include, but is not limited to: mouse-overs, form validators, cookie checkers, etc. Search engine spiders see this and get stuck, and, trying to ignore it, they still have to weave throughout all that code in order to reach the original content of the web pages. Spiders also have timeouts or maximum character counts integrated with them having to sort through all the garbage, they’ll forfeit their job in spidering and leave to another site. So prevent from making web pages too top heavy by placing too much code between the (head) tags.

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