Monday, July 21, 2008

(SEO) Tip 6

Assure to place your JavaScripts in external files and link to them. This will be a Search Engine friendly web page, also it makes your markup cleaner and your web page management easier.

Page Body

Your potential clients will see this part of the web site and yes, you can make pages both attractive looking and, at the same time, efficiently search engine optimized.

Page Headings and Other Word Graphics

As far as designing is concerned, many have decided to display graphics as their headings. Turning to our graphic designer, to have unique headings created, we have replaced important content from our web site.

Web site visitors are not concerned about the amount of time you took in creating an awesome heading that says “Free Leads and Traffic.” They are just interested in knowing about Free Leads and Traffic and what attributes does it have for their benefit.

Looking at it as a search engine spider, the graphic-design about free leads and traffic is just a design and spiders won’t read them. It is recommended to fill in the "alt" attribute in the "img" tag with the actual words. However, search engines do not give hat much value to them, if any, to “alt” content. It is still necessary for accessibility in order to apply some value, but, toward getting your web pages ranked well in a search engines is not promising at all.

These things also relate those strong keywords on your web pages that form the navigation menu. You probably created graphics for the words to display a mouse-over effect, but, once again, graphics and spiders really don't care about them.

Spend less time creating graphics of words, just use regular text. These are words after all. When graphics are needed, consider a form of CSS image replacement; spiders should be able to access the text of your heading.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Search Engine Optimizing Tips

(SEO) Tip 2

Finding out what spiders see on your web pages is important, run a spider simulator on all of your pages. The simulator exposes what is visible to the spiders in text and in links. There are plenty on the market at various different prices, but if your looking for a free one you can see google (Search Engine Spider Simulator).

(SEO) Tip 3

Every website should have a file named robots.txt. In this file there are instructions the spiders will follow as to what directories they should not spider (disallow). Assure to have this file present so it may permit the permission for spiders to view the content on your site. This includes access to content and to CSS. You can also detain it from reading certain pages on your site.

Page Structure

After building a search engine friendly web site, assure each page is also search engine friendly. As I said earlier, great structure is the foundation for building an (SEO) web site. Primary areas of a Web page contain the right content between the (head)(/head) tags and that which is contained between the (body)(/body) tags. The content you place in these 2 areas have a huge impact on how web pages are indexed and, to a what degree, what appears in the search engine result pages.

Designing your web page, or placing content on your web pages, NOTE: (spiders read like people). Starting from left to right and from top to bottom, but this can be different in other languages. Spiders are programmed to believe that the most important content is placed at the top of the page. Important information usually is placed at the beginning so who would anyone think of placing it at the bottom? When reading specific tags (title, h1, h2, etc.) search engines value content to the left more so than words on the right.

(SEO) Title Tag

How about beginning at the first element on any web page (title tag) ((title)(/title)). This is primarily the most important element for (Search Engine Optimization) on the entire page. The majority of the time, the content in this tag could be left blank, have a default value (e.g. “insert title here”), or it can be the companies name.

Why is this tag so important? This is the main tag used by every major search engine as an indicator of the page’s information to determine value, and, second, it's also used by the search engines as the first line in the SERPs.

Assure to place major value in this tag.

(SEO) Tip 4

Carefully pin point the attributes of the content and use your keyword (s) as the title on the page. A web site about natural waxed candles made by XYZ Company shouldn’t have the title “XYZ Company”, it should contain a title something like “natural waxed candles.” If the company name is important for branding purposes, then place it to the end of the line like this: “natural waxed candles XYZ Company.”

(SEO) Meta Tags

Changes have occurred throughout the years concerning meta tags, search engines have switched various methods of meta tags. One that has lost value is the “keywords” meta tag. A good portion of search engines don’t consider these anymore, but if you have time to create one, go ahead and do so. It doesn’t hurt.

The major meta tag that all search engines presently recognize is the (description) meta tag. Again, this tag should be exclusive on all pages and be relative information on each web page.

The proper format for the description meta tag is, for example:

(meta name="description" content=Natural Waxed Candles by XYZ Company.”).

(SEO) Tip 5

Place an exclusive description for each web page. Don not use duplicate meta tags across all pages, search engines will notice this and possibly ignore the information of the meta tag or possibly the entire page.

(SEO) and JavaScript

We all know that stuffing the top of the HTML web pages with tons of JavaScript functionalities that can be necessary for various page features is also risky. This can include, but is not limited to: mouse-overs, form validators, cookie checkers, etc. Search engine spiders see this and get stuck, and, trying to ignore it, they still have to weave throughout all that code in order to reach the original content of the web pages. Spiders also have timeouts or maximum character counts integrated with them having to sort through all the garbage, they’ll forfeit their job in spidering and leave to another site. So prevent from making web pages too top heavy by placing too much code between the (head) tags.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Understand the Search Engines and Search Engine Spiders

What is the best way to get your site into the search engines? Search engines obtain your URL either by you manually submitting your web pages directly to search engines or by other websites having a link to your web pages. Once it is recognized, then search engines send out their spider or (bot) to review your website.

After landing on your site, the spider begins to read all the content in the body of your web pages, including markup elements, all the links to other web pages and outbound links to other websites, plus elements from the page head including some meta tags 'depending on the search engine' and the title tag.

Once finished browsing and gathering the information in your content then it goes back to it's central database for indexing which can be several months (2 to 3).

Spiders follow links on pages, repeating the same procedures over and over again. Spiders are not always to bright, for lack of a better term, dumb. They usually follow basic HTML coding. Encasing a link in a JavaScript that spiders won’t comprehend is usually not the best way to go about it, spiders basically will ignore both the JavaScript and the link. Same thing goes for forms; spiders are not able fill forms out and click the “submit” button.

Understanding what spiders see, try accessing your web pages with a Lynx browser from a Unix server. Lynx is a non-graphical website, it does not support JavaScripts, this site displays only text and regular href tags. This is what the spider can see and indexes. Does your web pages work without graphics or JavaScript? If not, the spiders will not work either, and that calls for an immediate back track to re-do your site.

Once the Search Engine has all your content in its database, it runs an algorithm (a mathematical formula) compared with your content. Algorithms are unique to each Search Engine and are constantly reformatted, but, in essence, all search engines look for the important words on your web pages “based on word density” how often your keywords or phrases are used in respect to the total amount of content and they assign a value to these words based on the code surrounding the words.

They also go back to the links on your web pages. They search and look for what other websites, or pages on the same site are linking to that page. More links on a page equals more importance to that website by search engines. Having one way links from other sites linking to your website is “Very Important”, It has nothing to do with optimizing your website, but I will be covering that in a future article. Optimization wise it is recommended, to assure you link to your important web pages from more than just the index page (e.g., create a primary navigation that appears on all pages.)

Tip 1

Rule #1 of search engine optimization (SEO). Prevent your website design to interfere in such a way that the code hinders the spider (bot) from being able to index it. Which means avoiding pages with 100% graphics and no text “pages that contain all images”, or flash-only. I must say that web design and (SEO) should go hand in hand. When someone lands on a website and encounters is a log-in page, before being able to see the site’s information (text or content), then that’s what spiders will see and it will pause right their, so think a little further and let experts in the field show you step by step what you should do.

Have you thought of building Web Page entirely in Flash, DON’T.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Paid Search Advertising (PPC)

Paid Search Advertising (PPC)

(PPC) Pay Per Click advertising and marketing on search engines can be a significant marketing tool to expose your company if implemented with wisdom. Can it produce your website or web pages to have a massive targeted traffic really fast? Yes!, but the down side is that it can be very costly with actually no results if not implemented correctly. Experts are exploring ways in paid strategies thru search engine marketing and advertising and give different options for maximizing the value of your (ROI) return on investment to assure an effective stream of incoming sales.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Page Rankings from Search Engine Optimization

Online PR

Public relations provide any size business the opportunity to avalanche their success or failure. 24 hours a day the internet has taken live interaction worldwide which means one upset customer is able to destroy or build your brand. Learn powerful strategies and techniques of online public relations through this category and how it can effect your page rankings.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Link Building and Local Marketing

Link Building

No questions asked that the power of links in terms of online advertising and marketing are vital to apply to your website. Search engines use links to determine the value and relevance your site has to offer visitors. Using links to go from one web page to another is how the spider crawls and gathers information. Building quality page ranked links to your site from relevant sources will help a great deal towards improving your search engine rankings, and it usually drives a ton of great targeted traffic.

Local Search

Using local paper advertising is becoming useless as it gets stored in the closet or under the desk. People today are searching for local businesses online more because more value is given at a much faster pace. This should be considered for local business owners as an online advertising and marketing tool. Learn which sites your consumers are running into when they do a query online and put best foot forward on them NOW!.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Search Engine Optimization (Keywords and Online Conversions)

Keywords are words and phrases people type in search engines to find information on web pages they're seeking out. Learning specifics on identifying quality and valuable keywords for your web pages and how to synchronize them into your title tags, headlines and page copy to improve rankings in a task in itself.
Massive traffic doesn't mean your doing great business. Online Conversions determine the production of your company. If there is no conversion then your strategies and sales pages have to be re-done. Experts of Web SEO Specialists in NYC share practical and valuable information you can use for your marketing campaigns and on your web pages to assure the leads are converted and ultimately sales and sign-ups are generated. Educate and focus yourself on defining what your (online conversions) strengths are then improve upon them.

(SEO) Corporate Identity Brand Building

Using social media marketing and search engines optimization to drive a massive portion of the traffic to web pages, it's essential to assure you're branding and converting visitors into customers to come seeking YOU. Get the proper information on how to establish a strong foundation when it comes to branding and positioning yourself in search engine results through social media marketing and web 3.0 technology conversations.

Content and Copywriting

Attracting people to your web pages is only a portion of the work. Once they've arrived, you must have specific and good information to assure they receive exactly what they were seeking out and have them engage based on their need, desires and wants. Writing quality content is a skill which many don't not come easy, our professionals provide simple unknown tips and strategies that will help any web site increase your content to provide service and get better search engine rankings and higher conversion

Search Engine Optimize Blogging

Blogs are basic web logs that allow any web page owner to rapidly and easily provide fresh content to their web pages. Our live tutoring on blogging provides effective and practical references on setting up and maintaining a blog, thinking of what kind of quality content you should display on your blog and how it will benefit your business by using blogs to market the targeted audience of your business.

(Search Engine Optimization) Analytics

Experience the way people look at your web pages to find useful information that can bring value to your marketing campaigns, your web site content provides products and services that should increase visitors returning for more valuable information. Analytics that we discuss are topics on tracking your web site traffic using specific analytic tools, which analytics software to use and what you should be doing with the information you gather.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Search Engine Optimization and Website Design must go hand in hand:

Crucial mistake website designers make not taking in consideration search engine optimization (SEO) as a priority, this should be considered the main course and component of the design process. A search engine optimization specialist is needed before the site is created, not after. Web page architectures normally should be created according to what the target audience seeks for online.

Search engine optimization specialists should perform keyword research to find words and phrases being sought out on search engines to determine which keyword and phrases are best. Once determined which words are being highly targeted and search with the highest quality volume, then using these specific keyword phrases will provide great information for the architect to build efficiently; the navigation schemes, categories, breadcrumb links, headings, and cross-links.

Not seeking out the right information early can back things up quite a bit and will cost more on the long run, it has cost online business owners hundreds of thousands, even millions, of dollars in marketing expenses and sales conversions. A wide range of people have a difficult time searching a web page via the major search engines without campaign marketing and advertising. Once visitors land on a web page, they could have complications in locating products and or services they searched for.

Make sure to bring in an seo specialist right from the beginning to develop your website.

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Crucial Tips Before Building a Website

Quality of Content-Rich Websites are Needed:

Constructing superb content rich web pages may take a bit of strategical skills. Being a conscious and well structured designer uses principles that online architects implement, carefully gathering quality information to make a delivery and intuitive pathway to fulfill the visitor's needs (what was the purpose of their visit) assuring their own business tasks to become well known or successful ( what was the purpose the web page was created).

Assuring a pristine architecture is crucial to the online world in marketing of web based content rich pages that will draw and also please consumers and fans.

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In simple terms, developing award winning web pages is not good enough to stay in business online. Web pages need proper visibility for prospects in order to be recognized as a credible, authentic and reliable place to either seek out more information or purchase products.

Implementing Web Design, development, and internet marketing with tunnel vision traffic generation techniques and strategies that are vital to the prosperity of your website. Unless you market effectively any gorgeous website will not succeed.

Focus exclusively on how to drive massive traffic online with internet marketing strategies through website design, search engine placement, search engine marketing, submission, analytics, email, backlinking and social media optimization. The bottom line is to achieve high quality traffic to your web pages that converts into multiple sources of revenue.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Top Ranking: Search Engine Positioning and Placement

Sayings like (search engine placement), (top search engine rankings) and (search engine positioning) resemble a website doing pretty well for a similar term or multiple terms in various search engines. The ultimate goal for many companies and individuals is to get "top ten" ranking for a or several keyword phrases or search terms.
How To Improve Odds with (Search Engine Optimization):

(Search engine optimization) means to change the content on your website so that it may achieve better search engine rankings, specifically with crawler search engines (continue to read and i will explain what all this means).

Getting back to your lottery ticket example, how about increasing the odds to win using a process of elimination strategy very carefully. (Search Engine Optimization) longs for you to figure this out. By assuring the numbers that you select have a better chance to win than buying numbers on a random basis. The machine can pick the numbers for you or you can select your chosen carefully “optimized” ones. Which one would you rather have?

What Entails: Search Engine Promotion and Marketing

Sayings like (search engine placement), (top search engine rankings) and (search engine positioning) are crucial to any online business marketing on search engines. This entails submission, optimization, managing ppc (pay per click) and more.

These specifications also speak about search engines are not only about submitting but optimizing as well or getting a good rank for a particular term. It's about the overall job of initializing improving how your web pages are built right from scratch and how well the interaction with search engines are, so that the audience you seek can find you.

Search Engine Optimization Submssion Essentials

Search Engine Submission Essentials

What can I do to get my web pages listed in top search engine rankings? It sounds like a pretty easy task, but unfortunately, search engine optimization submission is a bit complicated.

Have no fear. Web SEO Specialist in NYC will take you through the essential needs and relative effective steps you can take to get posted to top search engine rankings.

Before we begin, it is vital to recognize between search engine submission and search engine optimization. Terms like these, along with others, are many times used synonymously to pinpoint different efforts on how to promote web pages on search engines. However, within this section of Web SEO Specialists techniques and strategies, they will be used to refer to some very unique and specific activities.