Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Google search across the Twitter archive

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 07:00 AM PDT
Since we first introduced real-time search last December, we've added content from MySpace, Facebook and Buzz, expanded to 40 languages and added a top links feature to help you find the most relevant content shared on updates services like Twitter. Today, we're introducing a new feature to help you search and explore the public archive of tweets.

With the advent of blogs and micro-blogs, there's a constant online conversation about breaking news, people and places — some famous and some local. Tweets and other short-form updates create a history of commentary that can provide valuable insights into what's happened and how people have reacted. We want to give you a way to search across this information and make it useful.

Starting today, you can zoom to any point in time and "replay" what people were saying publicly about a topic on Twitter. To try it out, click "Show options" on the search results page, then select "Updates." The first page will show you the familiar latest and greatest short-form updates from a comprehensive set of sources, but now there's a new chart at the top. In that chart, you can select the year, month or day, or click any point to view the tweets from that specific time period. Here we've searched for [golden gate park] and browsed to see March, 2010:

The chart shows the relative volume of activity on Twitter about the topic. As you can see, there are daily spikes in the afternoon (when parks are the most fun) and an unusually high spike on March 27. Clicking on the 27th, you'll discover it was a sunny Saturday, which may explain the increased traffic on Twitter. People were tweeting about disc golf and tennis, biking, riding a party bus, craving chips and salsa...the kind of local, time-specific information that up until now would be almost impossible to find online.

By replaying tweets, you can explore any topic that people have discussed on Twitter. Want to know how the news broke about health care legislation in Congress, what people were saying about Justice Paul Stevens' retirement or what people were tweeting during your own marathon run? These are the kinds of things you can explore with the new updates mode.

The replay feature is rolling out now and will be available globally in English within the next couple days (if you want to try it now, try out this special link). For our initial release, you can explore tweets going back to February 11, 2010, and soon you'll be able to go back as far as the very first tweet on March 21, 2006.

All of us are just beginning to understand the many ways real-time information and short-form web content will be useful in the future, and we think being able to make use of historical information is an important part of that. As for me, after some hard work on real-time search, it's time for a virtual vacation to relive one of my favorite moments of the Winter Games.

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 11:30 AM PDT
During the Super Bowl, we ran a 60 second ad made simply with a few Google searches and a little music. We were humbled by how much some people liked it. And we've even seen a few parodies that have left us in stitches. Making videos out of Google searches isn't exactly elaborate Hollywood film-making, but to help everyone get in on the fun, we've made a really simple video creation tool, which you can try today.

All you need to do is type in your Google searches, pick some music and — presto! — you've got your very own Search Story to share with your friends or showcase on our YouTube channel.

And who knows, if people really like your Search Story, it may end up in a place you never dreamed.

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 10:44 AM PDT
(Cross-posted from the Official Gmail Blog)

We've seen lots of people using Google Buzz to share interesting links from around the web. To do so, you had to copy and paste the link from one browser window to another — there weren't buttons that made it easy to post to Google Buzz without leaving the site you're on. Savvy sites like Mashable and TechCrunch quickly got creative and implemented their own Buzz buttons, using Google Reader as the backend. But not every site owner should have to hack together their own version of these buttons (and not everyone who uses Buzz also uses Reader), so this morning we're making copy-and-paste Buzz buttons available for anyone to use.

Starting today, you'll see these buttons around the web on participating sites including: The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, Glamour, YouTube, Blogger, MySpace, GigaOM, PBS Parents, PBS NewsHour, The Next Web, TweetDeck, SocialWok, Disqus, Vinehub, and Buzzzy. Mashable and TechCrunch have updated their sites to use these new buttons too.

A number of sharing platforms, including ShareThis (pictured below), Meebo, Shareholic, AddThis and AddtoAny have also incorporated the Google Buzz button into their sharing functionality, so you'll see Buzz listed as a choice when you go to share something on many other sites around the web as well.

If you want to add Google Buzz buttons to your site, just go to, configure your buttons with a couple clicks and copy a few lines of JavaScript. Paste this code where you'd like the Buzz buttons to appear and you're all set.

And if you'd like to promote your own Google Buzz account, we have a button for you, which allows people to follow you on Buzz right from your blog or website. Here's an example using the Google Buzz team's own Buzz account (clicking it will take you to the Buzz team's profile page and from there you can easily follow our team's posts):

Follow on Buzz

You can grab that button code from as well.

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 12:21 PM PDT
This is the third post in our series on the future of display advertising. Today, Director of Product Management, Ari Paparo, looks at how better data will help marketers plan and measure their display campaigns in the future - Ed.

Basketball teams in the 1980s looked at fairly simple statistics — points, rebounds, assists and shooting percentages — to measure team and player performance. However, in recent years, there's been a data renaissance — a recognition of the need to develop more insightful measures, and a resurgence in appreciation for the value of data in sports. Now, professional basketball teams measure all sorts of on-court happenings, as well as more ethereal things like team chemistry and player psychology. As advertisers and agencies try to plan and measure their display ad campaigns, they're much like basketball teams stuck in the 80's. Today, planning display advertising campaigns is largely based on relationships and habits, and often-primitive measures of website traffic. If asked to quantify the impact of their display ad campaigns, many advertisers could show you the number of clicks on their ads, and then shrug.

The Internet has long held out the promise of being a truly accountable, measurable medium for marketers. In search advertising, a decade of investment in analytics and measurement tools has helped to realize that promise. But the same tools for display advertising have lagged.

In the previous post in this series, Neal Mohan wrote about the creative possibilities that new display advertising technology is enabling. But how do marketers work out where to buy these ads, and quantify their impact? Let's look at what's becoming possible as we start to use newer technologies, improved statistical models and aggregated data to improve the planning and measurement of display advertising. Imagine an ad agency tasked with planning and measuring a campaign for a new male cologne (specially endorsed by a famous DJ). The ideal target audience is males aged 18-35 who are interested in dance music, well-groomed and who think they're hip.

Today, it's possible (using tools like DoubleClick Ad Planner) to find popular U.S. sites that are read by males aged 18-35 who are interested in dance music or who have previously visited the DJ's website. Of course, there's no way to tell which sites' readers are well-groomed or if they're hip, but media planners can add in terms like "clubs," "nightlife", "sample sale" and "fashion" into Ad Planner's search term correlator to find sites whose users are more likely to search for those terms, as measured across large quantities of data.

Looking forward, what if the agency could seamlessly click a checkbox to pull in site performance data from that same client's last ad campaign? The planner could rank the sites in the media plan that produced the best results for the last campaign. And what if the agency could click another checkbox to select recommended high-performing sites in the Google Content Network that offer above the fold placements and that fall within the client's budget and targeting criteria, then buy them with a click of the button in AdWords?

Just as we're working to make planning more precise, we're also focused on evolving display measurement tools. For a long time, display advertisers have used fairly simple measures like clicks, impressions or conversions. These are great metrics for some types of marketing campaigns. But not for all. Not every ad campaign is looking to deliver an immediate sale. Lots of advertising — like the cologne campaign — is designed to influence opinions, spread buzz or build brand associations. For these campaigns, measuring clicks is like trying to judge an entire movie after watching just five minutes.

We're developing new measurement products designed to gauge the impact of ads on brand awareness or on user interest in the product being advertised. Let's go back to our cologne example. Today, using our new tool called Campaign Insights, the agency can reliably measure the "brand lift" directly attributable to the display campaign. This measurement tool looks at two large groups of users — one that has seen the ad, and one that hasn't. It then compares the volume of searches and website visits to measure how awareness of the brand has improved as a result of the display ad campaign.

Think about what other measurement tools may become possible. What if the agency could use an even larger real-time focus group like, say, the entire Internet? It could include social features in the ad, and then, by parsing public reactions — tweets, blogposts, status updates, YouTube comments and more — measure, in real time, how the Internet is responding to the cologne and the ad. This could give them an immediate, quantifiable view into the reactions and views of its potential consumers, and measure the viral effect of the ad over time. And what if the agency could precisely measure the impact of the campaign — not just on increased web traffic, searches or online comment — but (using geographical signals) on the actual purchases of their cologne in local stores? Imagine the possibilities — display ad campaigns could even communicate with the advertiser's supply chain or inventory system.

These innovations in planning and measurement are all exciting, but what's most revolutionary is what will happen when they're combined. In the future, campaign measurement will take place in near real-time, creating an almost immediate feedback loop. Currently, the process is very linear — marketers plan their campaign, then buy ad space, then run their campaign, then measure the results, often with weeks in between. Soon, measurement will become truly dynamic and will feed into the planning process itself. Agencies and advertisers will be able to test multiple creatives and media plans, and immediately tweak them to deliver the best-performing ads and reach the optimal sites and audiences as measurement data starts to come in.

We're on the cusp of a data renaissance in display ad planning and measurement. It promises to vastly improve online advertising for marketers, while resulting in ads that people find more relevant and effective. And by attracting new advertisers with more valuable ads, it will help online publishers earn more money from their online content.

We think that's definitely something worth shooting for.

Search Engine Journal - 7 new articles

"Search Engine Journal" - 7 new articles

  1. Google Brings Google Mobile App to Your iPad
  2. Google Releases Official Buzz Share Buttons
  3. Weekly Search & Social News: 04/13/2010
  4. When (Not) To Use Target="_Blank" Link Attribute
  5. How Texting and Driving Could Destroy Your Business [With Legal Analysis]
  6. Track Your Page Change with SEJ Tools "Event Manager"
  7. Suddenly Twitter Has a Business Model, Tweet Ads
  8. More Recent Articles
  9. Search Search Engine Journal

Google Brings Google Mobile App to Your iPad

It pains me to cover anything iPad-related news right now as I’m having a rough experience with our local FedEx Broke which has been “detaining” my iPad for a couple of days now.  But in the spirit of reporting,  I have to forget about this issue and cover this Google-iPad related news. So, here we go, Google just announced that its Google Mobile App for iPad is now available for free download from the iPad App Store.

If you have previously used Google Mobile App on your iPhone, it’s basically the same app, only this time it was tweak a bit to fit into the iPad interface. The new iPad-friendly Google Mobile App features practically everything that you’ve enjoyed in the app’s iPhone version.
The app features several search-related functionality including – search by voice, Google suggest, search history, contact search and vertical search. In addition, the app also recognizes your current location. This useful when you are searching for nearby location while on the move.  The app also lets you navigate to Google’s web-based apps including Gmail which incidentally was also optimized for the iPad.
Coming up are new features that will take advantage of the iPad’s features.  To download Google Mobile App for iPad, check out the iPad App Store.
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Google Brings Google Mobile App to Your iPad

Google Releases Official Buzz Share Buttons

Google’s next order of battle for Google Buzz – Share Buttons. If you’ve felt envious of sites such as TechCrunch and Mashable which were quick enough to come up with their customized Google Buzz Share Buttons, Google will now let you do the same without having to hack through some codes and all. And it’s also the official Google Buzz Share Button.

So Google announced that starting today expect to see Buzz buttons around the web particularly on sites such as The Huffington Post, Glamour, YouTube, Blogger, MySpace, GigaOM and more. These buttons will make it easier for you to share and post interesting items you encounter around the web to your Google Buzz account.
In addition, independent sharing widget provides such as “Share This,” “Shareholic” and more have started implementing the Google Buzz share button.
If you want to have a Google Buzz button on your own sites/blogs, you can easily do so by getting the codes from You can customize your button in a few clicks, copy the Javascript code, paste it to your blog/site code and you’re good to go.
And while you’re there, you might also want to grab the code for putting a follow me on Buzz button as well. This will make it easier for your friends and fans to follow your Buzz posts.
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Google Releases Official Buzz Share Buttons

Weekly Search & Social News: 04/13/2010

Welcome to another edition of ‘7 Days of Search and Social‘ – I hope it finds you well. It was a somewhat quite week on the blog goodiness last week, but there were a TON of patents from the big three…which makes this geek all giddy. The main story, for what it’s worth, was Google announcing the load speed signal. On a personal level, being a Canuck and all, the weather is picking up which also has be smiling…
Anyway, let’s get into it shall we?

Lead Story

Run for the hills load speed is here!

Or at least that is some of the perceptions we're soon to hear. You see, late last week Google finally confirmed what we'd been expecting; that page load speed is a ranking signal. I can already see the spate of crap hat SEOs that will be touring this and of course offering corresponding services.
Here's some goodies;
Now, it really does bare mentioning that there are a LOT of signals that Google uses in their rankings that we don't go too far out of our way to optimize for… What I like to call; Task ROI. What this means now, is that we also need to consider this when we're looking at this one.
From what we know, it would be the extreme situations (horrid load times) and select query spaces where this is more important. I wouldn't go about re-developing an entire site unless you are in the bottom 10% in a given space. There are still better things to be doing (from an SEO perspective) than this.
All of that being said, it is still good webmastering, and worth at least looking into. Just don't get too crazy, m'kay?
Quick Nav LinksTalk of the TownGeek CentralSocial SearchLocal SEOVideosToolsPatents -

Talk of the town

DIY SEO Software Reviews – Aaron Wall looks at the new service recently started by Patrick Gavin and partners. It is what it is… not a replacement, but potentially useful for those in the low end budget world or noob webmasters. (haven't checked it out myself).
Eight Emotional Stages of an SEO Contract – ok, who needs a good laugh? I must say, while not geeky, I did get a heluva laugh from Alan. Thanks brother, your pain was my giggles.
Wake Up Suzy – Wake Up! – Managing SEO Client Expectations – as a sister post, Alan also had a more serious post on dealing with clients. This is a GREAT topic and one that we don't usually see enough of. A good read.
Why big brands need SEO - Speaking of clients, obviously Kevin isn't working with MacDonald's. In this post he uses them as an example of why brands should be doing better with SEO…and gives some good examples.
Report: Some Google 'Hot Topic' Searches Return 90% Malicious Links – is some interesting reporting from Barry over on SER. Kind of shitty really… yet another reason why spammy crap hats piss me off. Nuff said.
Survey Results: The Most Annoying Part of Search Marketing – the gang at WordStream posted some results of a survey they recently ran. Not surprisingly, link building still tends to be one of the areas a lot of people struggle in.
Forecasting Seasonality for SEO Campaigns – this one I also found interesting as I've been research universal search, which is somewhere we see a LOT of movement from seasonal flux. A worthy addition to this week's editon.
Google secretly tests feed of hotel room prices in natural search results – speaking of universal, there were some interesting additions to the hotel space noted last week. Something we may see in other local and ecommerce query spaces.
Rankings are not (that) important – CJ continues a recent discussion making the rounds about the value of rankings in modern SEO. I tend to be somewhat more in-line with her thinking, that they may not be a KPI, but do still hold value.
Link Building for Image Rich Websites – is a great post from link geek master Wiep Knol. This journey is an interesting approach for a market one might not always think about. A good addition to the newsletter this week…
Surviving a Site Migration [An SEO's Guide] – this is one area that is VERY important. Doing a site migration can cause a TON of problems when not done right. A good round up of potential areas of interest… Read it, learn it.. master it! You will need it some day.

Quick Nav LinksTalk of the TownGeek CentralSocial SearchLocal SEOVideosToolsPatents -

Search Geek Central

Search Stuff

Google: Large Number of 404s Doesn’t Hurt You – SER
Search Based upon Concepts: Applied Semantics and Google – SEO bt the Sea
Phrasification and Revisiting Google’s Phrase Based Indexing –SEO by the Sea
Your top tech tips for SEO (From the Forums) – Bing
Universal Search Now In Google Suggest For Mobile – SEL
Lessons learned developing a practical large scale machine learning system – Google Research
Guest Post: Information Retrieval using a Bayesian Model of Learning and Generalization – Noisy channel
Faceted trust at Yelp, sorta – Search Facets
Go TunkRank! - Noisy Channel

Social Search

Is Google Buzz Dead Already? – SEL
Facebook More Popular Than Google: So? – SEO Book
Making the real-time Web relevant - Cnet
How To Use Social Media Monitoring Tools To Build Relationships And Links – SEL
If Google Indexing Goes Real-Time, What Will it Mean for Ranking? – WebProNews
30 Twitter Search Alternatives & Tools – SE Optimise
Real Time Search for Your Online Marketing Mix – Online Marketing Blog

Local SEO

Is "Yellow Pages" Becoming An Obsolete Concept? – SEL
Should Restaurants Care About Local Search? – Nine by Blue
Optimizing Your Business Listing for Local Search Supremacy - Search Engine Guide
Google to Offer Local Business Center Webinar to SMBs – Mike Blumenthal
Google Local Business Center SMS Verification Issue – Search Engine Roundtable

Quick Nav LinksTalk of the TownGeek CentralSocial SearchLocal SEOVideosToolsPatents


Universal Search and Digital Asset Optimization with Anne Kennedy
Google Universal search tips for affiliates  – Wil Reynolds
Keyword Tool and the Search-Based Keyword Tool – Google Business
Google Analytics Custom Variables WebinarGoogle
Cutt’s Corner
Are there any negatives to generating a short list of ‘related posts?’
Do links to non-canonical URLs pass any value to the canonical version?
How does URL structure affect PageRank?


3 Tools That Make Google's Site Search Easier to Run – SEJ
Using pivot charts to visually analyse competitor link profiles – Blog Storm
5 Handy SEO Hacks for Google Analytics -  SEJ
12 Stellar SEO Tools – Yahoo SM Blog
Quick Nav LinksTalk of the TownGeek CentralSocial SearchLocal SEOVideosToolsPatents -

Search Patents

Methods and systems for detecting and extracting information
Systems and methods for providing a graphical display of search activity
Personalization of placed content ordering in search results
Systems and methods for ranking implicit search results
Interactive system for internet information retrieval and exploration
Enabling clustered search processing via text messaging
Techniques for navigational query identification
Query log mining for detecting spam hosts
System and method for ranking search results using social information
Search results for local versus traveller
Personalized search results to multiple users
System and method for identifying related queries for languages with multiple writing systems
Determination of time dependency of search queries
Forecasting time-dependent search queries
UserRank: ranking linked nodes leveraging user logs
Ranking results using multiple nested ranking

/end SOSG session
Quick Nav Links – Talk of the TownGeek CentralSocial SearchLocal SEOVideosToolsPatents -
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Weekly Search & Social News: 04/13/2010

When (Not) To Use Target="_Blank" Link Attribute

More and more sites are using target=”_blank” for links to make sure they will open the link in a new window and keep the visitor on the site.
I confess, I am using them myself because I assume the visitors are using FireFox browser that opens those links in a new window.
But is it really a wise thing to do?

When Target=”_Blank” Can / Should Be Used

There is the fundamental law of the Internet ethics that says that you let the visitor decide how he wants to open the links. So (especially) when your target audience consists of technically sophisticated users (like SEO audience for example), be warned that they do not like new windows. They also know how to open a new window or how to prevent a new window whenever they want.
The cases when the attribute can (and is encouraged to) be used are the following:
  • To link to a PDF document mostly because when it’s first followed there’s often a delay while the browser loads up the plugin and PDF (and thus you can let the visitor read more information on the current page while the document loads).
It is also a wise thing to do to warn the visitor of the type of the file he is going to download and how the link will open:
Document (PDF 13K, new window)
  • To link to “supplemental information” like help files or additional information that would ordinarily clog up the topic with tangent data.

Target=”_Blank” Versus Other Ways to Open Links in a New Window

JavaScript methods versus “target=”_blank”

  • Target=”_blank” will always open a new window or tab exactly the same size as the original, covering up the original and can be extremely confusing, especially if the user clicks and looks away for a moment. With a Javascript method, you can control the size of the window so that’s it’s VERY obvious it’s a new window and you can still see the parent behind it.
  • Obviously, JavaScript method won’t work if JavaScript is disabled. Besides, it will prevent the search bot from crawling the page.
Target=”_blank” versus Target=”new”
Here’s an awesome explanation: Using _blank as a target value will spawn a new window every time while using _new will only spawn one new window and every link clicked with a target value of _new will replace the page loaded in the previously spawned window. Try it out for yourself:
Links with target="_blank"
Google | Yahoo
Links with target="_new"
Google | Yahoo

Additional reading:

Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

When (Not) To Use Target=”_Blank” Link Attribute

How Texting and Driving Could Destroy Your Business [With Legal Analysis]

Did the title of my post get your attention?  Believe me, I wish texting and driving couldn't destroy your business, but it unfortunately has the potential to.  In this month's post, I'm taking a break from writing about technical SEO, Paid Search, Social Media Marketing, etc. to talk about something that can make even your worst search-related problem look like a walk in the park.
Last week I was driving on 95 behind a car that suddenly started to swerve from the middle lane to the left lane, and then back across to the right lane.  After a minute or so behind the person, I decided to pass the car to get away from the problem.  As I passed the car, I glanced over and saw the driver on his mobile phone.  He was typing, so he was either texting someone, emailing someone, or maybe even checking Twitter.  I don't know about you, but experiencing that first hand on 95 at a relatively high rate of speed really brought home the danger of texting and driving. It would only take a split second for that person to slam into another car and possibly cause a fatal accident.  And for what?  To check the latest retweet or DM?
No Shortage of Examples, With Statistics to Back Up The Problem
You don't have to look far to read about tragedies that resulted from texting and driving.  For example, a 47 year old woman who ran a red light while texting and driving and struck an SUV carrying a family of four (killing two people, a 4 year old girl and her 35 year old mother).  Or how about a 19 year old who was texting and driving and caused another car to spin out of control (killing two men, 38 and 50 years old).  Or the story of Sam Page, whose sister slammed into a telephone pole and died as they were texting back and forth.  The list of stories goes on and on…
In addition to the heartbreaking stories, the statistics about the effects of texting and driving are mind-blowing.  For example, a study by the Viginia Tech Transportation Institute (PDF) found that drivers who text and drive are 23.2 times as likely to be involved in a crash or near crash event than non-distracted drivers.  In addition, Car and Driver ran a test of their own, showing the delay in reaction time and how much further a driver traveled beyond the point they should have stopped when texting and driving.  The reaction time for both a 22 year old and 37 year old while texting and driving were worse than being impaired by alcohol.  They also traveled 31 feet and 319 feet further than they should have when texting and driving at 70 mph.  Imagine the damage you could do if you needed to stop at one point, but ended up traveling another 319 feet!
Although the concept of texting and driving is relatively new, the abundance of disturbing cases has pushed some states to act.  You can check out to view the states have passed laws against texting while driving and there's even a recent push against truckers and texting (which obviously makes complete sense).  But as we all know, there's a difference between passing legislation and actually changing driver behavior.
The Business Impact of Texting and Driving
I think most of us clearly understand that you can either kill other people or kill yourself when texting and driving.  That's obviously the worst case scenario, but there is another dangerous aspect of getting into an accident from texting (although not as grim as killing someone or being killed).  I'm referring to the potential business impact.
Let's say that you get through an accident relatively unscathed.  Maybe you just end up with some minor injuries and the other people involved are still alive (although their cars are damaged and they possibly have a broken bone or two).  Are you really out of the woods?  What's the potential impact for you professionally?  What can happen to the business that you worked tirelessly to build, the job you've been working 70 hours a week for, and your reputation?  Unfortunately, in our litigious society you're far from being out of the woods.  Instead, you can find yourself neck deep in the woods.  And the woods I'm referring to aren't filled with furry little bunnies and cute woodland creatures.  Instead, the legal woods are filled with rabid lawyers, judges who don't like young punks with iPhones, and people looking to take advantage of our legal system.  Yes, welcome to America.
Business Owners Take Heed
If you are a consultant, run your own business, run an agency, or if you're an executive at a company, you need to address the problem of texting and driving now (before you're neck deep in the scary woods I just mentioned).  And by the way, this also relates to your employees and not just your own behavior.  On the flip side, if you're an employee at a company and have a company-issued cell phone, you should also listen up.  The legal system is a two way street, and you can also find yourself in court.  More on that below.
Texting While Driving, A Legal Perspective
Last year I wrote a post titled, "Lawyers, Guns, and Twitter: Who Owns Your Twitter Account?" which addressed social media account ownership.  In the post, I introduced various scenarios along with my view of who actually owned the accounts created and managed by employees.  I gave my perspective as an online marketer and then I asked a lawyer I know from Princeton (Mike Pisauro) to review the scenarios and give his input from a legal-standpoint.  Needless to say, we didn't see eye to eye on all the topics.  :) I decided to use a similar format with this post.  I'm going to list several potential business scenarios regarding texting and driving and then have Mike give his legal view.
So without further ado, let's get started.
Scenario 1: The Owner of the Business Causes an Accident By Texting and Driving
Let's say you run your own business, and like most business owners, you have a mobile phone that's used mostly for professional use (although you do receive personal calls, text messages, and emails on the phone).  You ended up emailing back and forth with a client while on the road since there was a big project underway.  As you were looking down to send that last email, you rear-ended a minivan with a family of 4 inside.  You hit them at 50 mph and there were several injuries.  You can forget about that client for now, since you've got bigger fish to fry.  So, what can happen as a result of the accident?  Can your business be sued? Can you be sued personally?  How about both?  Are criminal charges possible?  This is where I'll hand it off to Mike for his input.
Mike: I have to agree that texting/emailing, tweeting, etc. while driving is dangerous and prevalent and we have all seen drivers all over the road while trying to do something on their phones.   It can also have a profound impact on an employer.  I will preface all of my answers with a few caveats.  First, like many things in law some of the answers to these questions depend on where you live or in this case where the accident occurs.  I practice in NJ and in PA but that does not mean that a Maine judge will treat each scenario exactly the same way as a NJ judge.  For some of these scenarios, we need more information to make a full evaluation of the merits of each case.  I am assuming for each of these scenarios that there was not a company policy against using a smartphone while driving. I am also assuming that the motor vehicle was owned by the employee/owner personally and was not a company car.   I am also assuming that the employee is really at fault for the accident.
There can be several different theories of liability for the company that I would probably look into and try to assert in a complaint against the driver and their employer.  For this post, I have decided to apply the theory of respondeat superior.  i.e. can the employer be liable for the actions of its employee.  I am not looking at whether the employer or another particular employee could be liable for causing a distraction to the driving employee.  I am not sure that issue has ever been decided by a court in a reported decision. Assuming the theory of liability would be allowed by the Courts, it is too fact specific and jurisdiction specific for easy analysis (and the blog post would be even longer than it is now).  I decided to go with respondeat superior because it is almost universally accepted and would be a much easier case for the plaintiff's lawyer to pursue.
With the caveats out of the way, this scenario is very clear.  From the get go the business owner will be personally liable for the damages to the car and to the people.  It is a basic tenant that a person who commits a tort (causes an accident) is personally liable for that tort.  I think that in most, if not all jurisdictions, the business in this situation can be sued as well.  I will explain my reasoning for this decision in one of the scenarios below.
Whether the individual can be charged criminally for the accident really depends on too many factors.  Criminal law is very state specific.  For example in NJ, traffic offenses are quasi-criminal.  The anti-texting law in NJ makes it a traffic offense subject to a $100 fine.  Other states may differ depending on their statutes.  There are 7 states that have bans on talking on cell phones while driving without a hands free system.  There are 21 states that ban texting.  In addition to state laws, there can also be local laws impacting the use of cell phones while driving.  Also the severity of the injuries could also impact whether criminal charges are asserted by the State.
Scenario 2: An Employee of Your Business Causes An Accident and Injures Other People
In this scenario, your employee is not injured after having the accident. It's the person he hit that's in bad shape.  Let's say the person he hit is in critical condition as a result of the accident.  To make matters worse, the person that was hit runs her own business and is the primary source of income for her family (she has a husband and three kids).  It ends up that she doesn't have short term or long term disability either.  What if this person sues your employee?  Can the employee then sue you since he was emailing you on his way home about company business?  Will the insurance company decide to forgo a settlement and come after the business instead?  Again, good questions and Mike is ready to answer them.
Mike: Both the driver/employee and the employer will be named as defendants.  If the plaintiff's lawyer does not know initially about the employer, they will be named eventually.  Also, if the employer is not named by the Plaintiff than the employee could file a third party complaint to bring the employer as a third party defendant in order to avail themselves of the business' insurance coverage.  Both the employee and the employer normally would have insurance to cover the accident.  Both insurance policies will normally be available to help satisfy any judgment against the defendants.  In most cases the insurance company will defend the defendants and will not disclaim coverage.  If the Plaintiff's injuries are substantial enough or the defendants did not have adequate coverage; the Plaintiff would then seek to recover the excess judgment personally from the employee and the employer.  The recovery could be in the way of levying wages; seizing bank accounts; or selling of assets like homes, office buildings and equipment.
Even though the employer will be named as a defendant the question really is should the employer be liable for the accident.  There are at least two legal tests to determine whether an employer should be liable for the actions of its employees:  (1) enterprise theory followed by California and (2) Restatement (Second) of Agency followed by NJ and many other jurisdictions.  California's enterprise theory is more expansive than the Restatement.  Under the majority rule (or the Restatement) the question of whether an employer should be liable for the actions of its employee that causes an accident is whether the employee was acting with the scope of the employee's employment at the time of the accident.   A Court would look at the following factors in deciding whether the employee was acting on the behalf of the employer at the time of the accident:
  • is it the kind of work they are employed to do
  • was it within the regular location and time of employment
  • was the work to benefit the employer
  • whether employer has reason to believe that the alleged act would be done
  • whether the act was similar to authorized acts
  • whether the activity was done through equipment provided by the employer
  • whether the act was criminal in nature
The above criteria are some of the questions a court would seek to answer.  Different courts in different jurisdictions may weigh the criteria differently.  Also, there is no requirement that all of the criteria need to be satisfied.  For example, I do not believe that the Court would care whether the smartphone was employer provided or owned by the employee in finding the employer liable for the actions of the employee in this scenario.  In looking at this fact pattern many of the criteria are answered in the affirmative.  It is clear that the employee was within the kind of work they were employed to do.  It is an employee's responsibility to answer their employer's questions and email/texting is a very common method of accomplishing this.  As an example of something not work related, the accident happened because the employee was eating dinner on the way home.
The question of whether the act (texting while driving) was within the time and place of employment is murkier, but I think that question would be answered in the affirmative by a court.  The employer expected to be able to reach their employees 24/7 and provided the technology to accomplish that goal.  It is part of the search industry and many others to use computers and smartphones to accomplish projects and this frees the employees to work in any location: the office, the coffee shop, at home or by the pool.
Since the employee was answering questions posed by the employee's boss the act was clearly to benefit the employer.  (I am assuming that the questions were work related not personal in nature).
Clearly since the employer provided smartphones to the employees and expected to be able to reach the employee 24/7, the employer should clearly have reason to believe that its employee would respond to emails. The smartphone was provided by the employer so this clearly satisfies the criteria that the equipment be provided by the employer.
As noted above, texting while driving is not criminal or at least not in NJ so this escape would not apply.  Texting may be against the law but it is not a crime to do so in NJ.
In the end, the employee will be found liable for the Plaintiff's injuries.  You are always responsible for your torts.  It is also very likely that the employer will be found vicariously liable for the actions of its employee.
Scenario 3: A Contractor You Hired Causes An Accident By Texting and Driving
Let's say you end up hiring a contractor for a short period of time to help with a spike in work.  The contractor is not an employee of your company, does not have a company-issued mobile phone (from your company), although he does have his own mobile phone that's used for work.  If that person causes an accident when texting or emailing you about a project while on the road, can you be liable?  Can the contractor come after you personally or your company even though he's not an official employee?  Let's hear what Mike has to say.
Mike: This is a much harder question to answer than the ones above.  By definition, an independent contractor is not an employee.   There are several factors to determine whether a person called an independent contractor is really an independent contractor and not an employee.  That discussion is for another article.  The Courts must decide, before looking at the criteria noted above, that the person is really the servant of the company.  "Servant" can have a broader reach than mere employee.  Assuming that the person is really an independent contractor, the Courts probably would not look any further, without more facts, and determine the company is not liable.
But for arguments sake, assume the Court goes further into the analysis.  In this scenario, it is not clear that the company could expect the independent contractor to email the company while driving.  There is nothing in the fact pattern to suggest that the independent contractor was responding to a request from the company or that the company had an expectation of instant responses.  The independent contractor was using their own equipment as you would expect an I.C. to do.  Therefore, the equipment criterion is not met.  While the scope of work the contractor was performing is not clear, I am assuming it is one that could include emailing.  There is nothing in here to suggest that the email was for the purpose of furthering the employers' business.  In short, this could be a hard sell for a lawyer to convince a judge that the company should be liable for the actions of its independent contractor.
As to who would sue who, it is more likely that the plaintiff's attorney would sue the company than the contractor would sue the company.  If the relationship between the contractor and the company is known to the plaintiff's attorney, the company will be named as a defendant.  But being named as a defendant is not the same thing as being liable for the accident.  The Plaintiff will still have to prove that company should be liable for the actions of the contractor.
Summary: Think Twice Before Texting While Driving (And Prepare Your Business Now)
I hope this post didn't scare you too much, since that wasn't my intent.  The topic is obviously an important one on several dimensions, especially as mobile devices get more robust and our cars come equipped with more functionality.  As Mike explained, there is a lot of grey area involved with the scenarios presented in the post. That said, it's best to prepare for the worst BEFORE anything happens.  You don't want to have to deal with the scenarios listed above on the fly.  Just like with my post about Twitter account ownership, instituting an employee policy setting the expectations of the employer on emails, texts and telephone calls in general, and while driving, is a strong idea. Then the policy has to be enforced, because a policy that is ignored more than it is upheld is not worth the paper that it was written on.  While a good policy may not protect you at all times from liability to third parties, it will at least help in defending your company.
So the next time you're on the road and you hear that message arrive on your mobile phone, think twice about checking it.  You might just end up in a hospital, in jail, or in the dark scary woods with rabid lawyers. I don't know about you, but those places don't sound very fun to me.
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

How Texting and Driving Could Destroy Your Business [With Legal Analysis]

Track Your Page Change with SEJ Tools "Event Manager"

One of the cool features inside SEJ tools is Event manager that lets you track your site changes and the subsequent effect more efficiently.
The Event Manager is available by hovering your mouse over the Dashboard tab and clicking on Event Manager.
Even manager
To create a new event, click “Add event” and provide the following information:
  • Your event title;
  • Your event description;
  • The date of the event.
Let’s say we have changed the title tag of the page and want to track the effect:
Add a new event
Once you’ve clicked on the Add Event button you will be taken to the main Event Manager page containing all of your events. From there, you can tag, edit, or remove any of your events. You can add numerous events – there is no limit.
edit event
For example, if you tagged any of your events you are able to display your events in analytics by their assigned tag.
After some time passes, head over to Google Analytics tab inside your SEJ Toolset dashboard (if you have previously connected your Google Analytics to your SEJ Tools account) and see the stats changes after your event.
If you hover over your event, you are able to see a display with a description. You also have the option of turning your events off or on:
Events analytics
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Track Your Page Change with SEJ Tools “Event Manager”

Suddenly Twitter Has a Business Model, Tweet Ads

Twitter is about to unveil something that it hopes will finally answer the grandstanding question of whether Twitter can actually make money, and if yes – how?  The new Twitter business model will rely on “promoted tweets,” which will put ads on Twitter’s search results and user feeds on as well as third-party Twitter clients later.
So, if you’re using TweetDeck and other mobile and desktop Twitter apps, expect to see some ads pop out along side tweets you monitor daily. Twitter’s “promoted ads” will first appear only on searches that were conducted on its website.
When this ad system is rolled in a few  hours from now, expect a single ad appearing at the top of a search you conducted on Twitter.  This ad takes the form of an ordinary tweet so be careful when retweeting or replying back as you may not notice that a tweet is coming from Twitter’s ad model.
For its initial run, Twitter’s promoted tweets got Starbucks,  Bravoa nd Virgin America. All these companies are heavy Twitter user and use the service as their communication medium
“We wanted to do something that just enhances the conversation that companies are already having with their customers on Twitter,” said Twitter Chief Operating Officer Dick Costolo.
So, what’s your take on this? Can Twitter manage to pull one off and finally become a money generating machine?
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.

Suddenly Twitter Has a Business Model, Tweet Ads

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