Friday, July 4, 2008

Search Engine Optimization and Website Design must go hand in hand:

Crucial mistake website designers make not taking in consideration search engine optimization (SEO) as a priority, this should be considered the main course and component of the design process. A search engine optimization specialist is needed before the site is created, not after. Web page architectures normally should be created according to what the target audience seeks for online.

Search engine optimization specialists should perform keyword research to find words and phrases being sought out on search engines to determine which keyword and phrases are best. Once determined which words are being highly targeted and search with the highest quality volume, then using these specific keyword phrases will provide great information for the architect to build efficiently; the navigation schemes, categories, breadcrumb links, headings, and cross-links.

Not seeking out the right information early can back things up quite a bit and will cost more on the long run, it has cost online business owners hundreds of thousands, even millions, of dollars in marketing expenses and sales conversions. A wide range of people have a difficult time searching a web page via the major search engines without campaign marketing and advertising. Once visitors land on a web page, they could have complications in locating products and or services they searched for.

Make sure to bring in an seo specialist right from the beginning to develop your website.

Click here for Forced Money

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